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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Colleen's Bad Day

Yesterday, at about 9 A.M. BOTH of Colleen's dogs were bitten by a rattlesnake. She is nursing Wampa, her white Scottish Terrier at home while Chomper, the Pug, is at the only vet in Northern California that has any antivenom. Both dogs were bitten in the face while digging in Colleen's yard.
Because it has been more than 24 hours and Wampa has begun to move around, eat, and drink, it looks like she might be OK. The vet called to say Chomper is improving and would be released this afternoon. Please hold good thoughts for the dogs and for Colleen who is also suffering. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Mom just called us to tell us that it does look like both dogs will pull through. What a horrible thing to have happen. =(
