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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Summertime in the Ozarks

Same dog, same day.

 The dogwood is glorious -- a full three weeks earlier than any previous year. The tips of the blossoms are just starting to turn brown, it's just about finished for this year.
And the cows have already begun using the ponds as wading pools. Notice not quite every tree is in leaf, but it is very green. A late frost would be devastating. Here's hoping it doesn't snow on the dogwood this year! Roses are blooming, dandelions have already gone to seed, yellow oak pollen sifts over every car left outside for a couple of hours, and kleenex sales are up. 

Big important news! Ben has been accepted to GLADE (Green Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems). What that means is that he gets to spend a week at the Missouri State University Field Station at Bull Shoals Lake working on habitat restoration and preservation. He labored all last week over his application, essay, and project proposal and learned yesterday he has been accepted in the program as one of 16 high schools kids from Southwest Misssouri. Here's the text of the letter of recommendation from a former teacher (actually librarian):

I am writing to highly recommend Ben Maples for the GLADE 2012 session.  

Ben is exactly the kind of candidate I believe is a great fit for the environmental features of the academy.  As a young man he has planned for quite some time to pursue a career in entomology and already has a great appreciation for the subtle changes in environment and the impact that will have on future generations.

Ben is a very quiet, introspective young man.  He excels in many areas but particularly loves not only his “bugs” but high school band as well.  He has excelled in the high school band program developing leadership qualities in this program.

Ben has a gentle spirit and is very kind.  He shows kindness in many ways, especially to his grandmother, who is his primary caregiver.  It gives me hope the future generation is both caring and compassionate.

I have seen many young people pass through my life as a school librarian.  Ben is one of the outstanding ones, who will make a difference in this world.  I am proud to highly recommend Ben to an outstanding program which will help on his journey toward making a difference in the world.


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