Nantucket, the Gray Lady, is far, far away. The boat trip took us two hours and thirty miles across the water, past the eerily somber Kennedy compound at Hyannis Port, to another place lost in time. Quaint, quiet, historic, tranquil, touristy, and beautiful, it was the perfect place for our weekend getaway.

Mallaika and Eleonora hit it off immediately. Eleonora is just developing language and it seems to be mostly Italian. She dubbed Mallaika,
Mima, a contraction of
bambina (baby), and would delightedly squeal , "
Mima" each time they reconnected.

Lorenzo, Nichole, and I feasted on lobster for $19.95.

The beach was littered with billions of shells and several
plein aire painters.

Beachcombers (Lorenzo, Chris, Eleonora, and Tom) and fishing boats work the shores of Nantucket.

The misty air makes lush blooms.

Tom, Nichole, Mallaika, and I left the island Sunday afternoon while Lorenzo, Chris, and Eleonora stayed on another day. As we parted, Eleonora held out her arms and wailed, "
Mima, Mima."
At Tom and Nichole's house, Mallaika put on a show for me using an inverted cheerleader's pompom as a microphone; she sang and danced, assuming the persona of "Hannah Antenna."
But, it's good to be home . Logan's first football game is tonight -- rain is forecast.
Beautiful - sums this weekend up perfectly. I still have to upload our photos to picasa...I will take care of that probably Thursday or Fri.