It's a black Spanish radish. But, what will I do with it? I'm thinking maybe grate it and make a slaw if it isn't too hot. One of the benefits of CSA membership is learning to experiment and try weird vegetables. I also love the wonderful fresh veggie aroma that fills my car when I bring home the bounty. Beats the smell of sweaty football playing boy that permeates the vehicle each afternoon on the way home from practice.
Logan's first game is next Tuesday. Tomorrow they suit up in their full uniforms for the first time. I can't wait to get a picture. I am so proud of the way he has embraced practice -- he works his tail off every day for 2-1/2 hours and boy, does he work up an appetite!
Ben is excited about auditioning for a regional band (through the school). A state band will be formed from the best of the regionals. The boys are quite busy with all of their practices and I'm equally busy driving them around! The season is intense until Thanksgiving and then things settle down for the holidays and the winter.
Ben looks somewhat afraid of that Radish...though I think I would join him there. =)