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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

School Pix

I love this typical Ben expression -- and how about that Adam's apple?

Long hair and braces -- that's Logan. The girls are crazy about him and so am I.

Today Logan's football game is at another school -- his first away game and first ride on the team bus. Ben and I (and probably Grandpa) will be in the stands cheering him on. We are so busy with football, band and practices that I was compelled to put music lessons on hold until the first of the year. They have missed 3 out of the last 4 lessons -- paying for a whole month and getting one lesson just doesn't make sense. We'll miss them -- Chris (guitar/Logan) and Mark (drums/Ben) have become an important part of Missouri lives.

We'll have to bundle up for this evening's game -- the temp has dropped to the mid-40's at night and the mid 60's during the day. Walnuts are all over the ground and there is the first tinge of red in the maples.

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