Scrimmage held at 8:00 A.M. on a Saturday morning when we should have been sleeping. Logan is #66 again this year, but the number doesn't show in this photo where he is stepping on the the 34 yard line wearing a white jersey right behind #7 in the red jersey. The "home" stands were quite filled at this early hour -- testimony to the dedicated parents and the importance of sports in our town. They have played one game so far (and got trounced, but it doesn't count because they played Webb City and no one ever beats Webb City!) Next week they'll beat Willard in a home game.

If you click on this image to pull up a larger version and look at the vibe player in the foreground in front of the 40 yard line, you may see red hair and recognize Ben. And maybe not. Our school beat Willard at this game Friday night. I noticed at the beginning of the game as I looked out at the forested hills, that a slight cast of orange was visible -- a hint of approaching fall. By the end of the game, I was glad I had brought my jacket. Before the season is over, I will be huddled in boots, blankets, long johns, scarves, and mittens wondering at the sacrifices I make to bask in pride.

Here's Valery's birthday gift -- but she will have to come here to collect it. My offer stands, if you come to visit, I'll send you home with a quilt.
OMG, the quilt is soooo gorgeous! You really are something! I can't wait to see you all next month. I leave exactly a month from today--yippeeeeee!!!!!! I wish I could say I see Ben, but not with these eyes! But I know I'll see him next month! :)