Robby thought he was too old for a purple Winnie the Pooh Christmas stocking. I saw his point, so I made him a new one. Funny how each Christmas I make at least one new felt sequined Christmas stocking and each year I think it is the last one I will make. Each year I believe I have all the family members covered and each year I discover I am mistaken. This year I realized Colleen's theoretical husband doesn't have a stocking. (Theoretical because I have never met him or spoken with him. Who's the shy guy in this scenario? Him or me?) So, I've fashioned a do-over for Robby's stocking. Andy's name will replace Robby's. Colleen assures me Andy is not too old for a purple Pooh stocking.
I dream of a Christmas when all family members will magically show up at my house with their stockings and hang them from my fireplace(s). If I have counted right, that would be twelve stockings, plus mine, making thirteen; we'd probably have to hang some of them downstairs.
Fall is definitely in the air and I'm ready for boots, sweaters, good cooking smells, and the end to mowing season. It's really been a struggle to keep the lawn mowed because each week something different goes wrong with the mower or weed whacker. By the time we get through all the possible problems, the boys will be expert at small motor maintenance. I try to stay clear of it and let Grandpa provide guidance.
Robby got the stocking and he is very pleased! Not to mention the hugs and kisses that came along with it!