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Thursday, February 12, 2009

New Do

Inspired by granddaughter-in-law, Nichole, I got a new do yesterday. Logan says he liked the old style better, but he hates any kind of change. I like it because it no longer falls in my face, especially when I'm sewing. Except for a bit on the bangs, the color is almost all natural for the first time in years. What do you think?


  1. I think it's cute!! Hope you guys are all well! We'll be seeing you when our house sells! ~Krista

  2. Ok, let's try my comment again. Sorry if you get it twice! I wanted to say that this is a very flattering haircut, and I love the bangs!

  3. You look wonderful and younger than when we first met!

  4. You look younger than me!!!!!!!!

  5. I LOVE it! I think it unanimous, you look younger than all of us! Wow, what a babe-a-licious!--Valery

  6. You look awesome. It seems that this time of year has been for refreshing ourselves. =)
