Baby Audrey Ash, friend Sharon Harmon's expected granddaughter (due the middle of May), is the new owner of this colorful quilt that was lots of fun to make.
This third quilt was so much fun to make. I call it "Joy, joy, joy." It's my favorite of all the quilts I've made to date and I'm sure that love and happiness are in every stitch! I'm sending it to my nephew and his wife, Scott and Sherry Blair in Carson City. I've been working through the family handing off quilts this past year -- one nephew remains, Jason and his wife Kim. I think I have one in mind for them, but it isn't even started.
I keep trying to wind down my quilting activities, but the addiction is so intense, I'm always planning several quilts ahead. I know I have to make at least one more like the one I'm sending Scott and Sherry, because I'd like one for myself!
Don't send Joy, joy joy too fast as I'd LOVE to see it. Maybe Friday, if the roads stay clear of snow and ice?