I truly believe Ben and Logan are getting a good education in Ozark's public schools. But, it isn't exactly free -- here's an example of some of the fees and supplies expenditures since school let out in May. Our free education has cost nearly $1,000 this summer.
Band Booster Shirts $ 40
Band Activity Fees 160
Chorale Activity Fee 10
Speech and Debate activity fee 15
Marketing Activity fee 10
Football Spirit Pack 94
Football Booster Club 25
Football pictures 48
Football buttons 10
School Pictures 96
TI - 84 Plus Calculator 99
Misc School supplies 44
Football camp 50
Drivers Training 100
(Sorry for the poor formatting -- blogger and I have a disagreement on how to make this a neat column -- I lost).
And then there are clothing items: marching band shoes, football cleats, dress clothes for speech and debate, and a renaissance costume for the Chorale Christmas Madrigal. I'm hoping it will slow down now that school is back in session and the fees and supplies for the fall semester are behind us. This is Ben's senior year and I know that comes laden with expenses for special trips and activities. On top of this we support a rash of fundraisers and donate many volunteer hours. It's exhausting, physically and fiscally. I can't imagine the pressure on the financially strapped working parents.
That is a major reason, plus lack of transportation that poorer kids are not involved in many activities. It is sad for everyone.