Here are some of the items I intend to get rid of before moving. I'm offering them to family members for free if they will come and get them. Please let me know if you want anything shown here. I'm willing to hold on to or put things in storage until the end of summer. Everything that is not spoken for by the end of April will be sold. Don't be bashful -- speak up.
This little chair, a miniature Boston Rocker belonged to my brother Ken. I'd liked keeping it around because it evoked such sweet memories of such a sweet person. I miss him and I will miss it, but it doesn't make much sense to move it to a smaller house. It has a missing spindle in the back and is probably not worth anything to anyone else, but I thought I'd offer it up anyway.
I bought this piano in about 1987 when I was taking piano lessons. It is a German-made Goetz 85-key piano with wonderful tone and touch. The hammers need new felt and it needs tuning, but it is otherwise in good condition.
Bumper pool/game table in very good condition (no chairs). The chest holds supplies and games. The game table top has a smooth side so that it can be used as a dining table.
Virtually brand-new, small stand-alone microwave. What may look like scratches in this picture are in reality just reflections; it's in perfect condition. Probably been used twice to make popcorn.
Maple Chifferobe in good condition. Great storage piece or as bedroom furniture.
Crib-sized toddler bed, about 100 years old -- from the Fallon, Nevada Blair home. The metal frame has been stripped and only lead-free paint has been used. Five generations of our family have used it. I'd like to see it go to Kevin and Rachel next.
Lingerie chest and small dresser or night stand. These pieces match -- the difference in appearance is due to my poor camera skills.

I'm getting rid of this California King-sized bed with all of its linens and the folding screen that serves as a headboard. I'm only keeping the boys' queen-sized beds and my grandmothers bedroom set (I'm going to use it and get rid of my current set -- pictures will follow in the next installment). If you come to visit, we'll move one of the boys to a couch or inflatable bed and you can use theirs.

This beauty had a couple of other matching pieces and belonged to my grandmother, Minnie Pauline Nichols Blair. She called this a nursing rocker. It sits very low and is a delicate piece of furniture with a cane seat. My father lovingly restored it about forty years ago. The cane is intact. The other two pieces were a junior chair (for dining) which Colleen now has and a "slipper chair" which my grandmother used while putting on her shoes.
Last item for today is this trunk that came from the Nebraska home of Mary Haller Copley Nehring (the great-grandmother of Robin, Kevin, and Colleen). We found this and two other trunks in the attic of her home when we cleaned out her belongings. It is probably at least 150 years old. Colleen has one of the trunks, Robin had a second one that was lost when her belongings were disposed of in New York. I've earmarked this one for Kevin and told him about it years ago, but so far he hasn't made a move to take it home with him.
So come on folks, I'm serious -- step up and claim what you would like to have or forever hold your peace!
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