The Killer Turtle flees to safety on the other side of the fence, escaping the Attack Miniature Schnauzer. The 6" box turtle has made two forays into the area of the back yard patrolled by Oreo who alerts us to the invasion by incessant barking of a particular pitch she reserves for announcing turtle invasions. Thanks to excellent reconnaissance work by the invincible grandma, and the superior rescue effort by co-hero Logan, we are all safe again. The neighbors are probably not very happy with this early morning service, but what can we do? The dog knows her purpose.

And it is the return of the killer Tiger Marching Band, playing at the first home game of the season. They successfully keep the Carthage team under control and propel the Tigers to a resounding victory. Too bad they didn't play at last week's away game when Webb City trounced Ozark something like 55-0.

And making it all happen, playing offensive line -- right end, is the star player, Ben!

Again this year, our circle is enlarged by the inclusion of a foreign exchange student. In this picture, Andrea from Rome is sitting at my left while we celebrate his arrival with a breakfast outing. Four days later, we celebrated his 17th birthday at Lamberts. The soccer coach welcomed him with great delight and is wondering how he can recruit more Italian exchange students. It is clear Andrea is a star. The girls are falling all over him, and he has several new friends among the soccer players. We will host him next weekend when his exchange mama, Kerri, takes a little break and runs off to Kansas City.
The score of the Webb City game was 38-14 (55- 0 was the result of the freshman team's [Logan's]game with Webb City).