Logan approaches the vortex that will suck him away from home and deposit him in California a few hours later. It was hard to let him go, especially since I had to get up at 4:30 to get him to his plane on time. What was I thinking when I booked that flight? Thanks to cell phones and texting, I was able to track him through each step of his journey: "I'm on the plane. The plane is on the ground in Dallas. I'm in the boarding lounge for the Sacramento plane. I'm on the plane. The plane is on the ground in Sacramento. Here's Valery!" This was his first trip traveling as an adult (not an unescorted minor with a blue tag around his neck, an airline employee at his elbow, and an extra $100 fee {each way} paid by grandma). In California he was joyously reunited with cousin Robby who said, "You're tall!" He's staying with Valery who has lined up two weeks of summer fun. He's seen first friend, Cameron (and mom Lisa), and gone rafting on the American River.
My recovery is on track -- I currently have physical therapy three times a week and daily exercises. Total knee replacement is not for wimps! I still don't have as much stamina as I'd like, I avoid housework and other chores. Much of my time is spent, reading , sewing, napping, or exercising. But each day is a little easier and I'm happy to report my new knee feels very stable.
Thanks for sharing him with us. He had a ball with Robby and Cameron yesterday! They were like three peas in a pod.