The Millsap girls turned the heat wave into a business opportunity and sold lemonade garnished with mint leaves for 50 cents a glass, refills were free. Five of the seven girls were involved in the enterprise and it was doing very well. The cup near the center of the table is packed with dollar bills -- the astute business women took advantage of the fact that Tuesday afternoons are share pickup days, so a steady stream of traffic and nearly captive customers are guaranteed--95 degree heat with a heat index of 105 also gave business a boost.

Here's yesterday's share, embraced by a "seedless" (not!) horseshoe-shaped cucumber. I sliced it into sour cream and onions along with some of the dill, but Cinder got to the bowl before I did. Fortunately, a two-foot long cucumber lasts for several meals.
Behind the veggies is my market basket -- a product of a women's micro-loan funded business in Ghana. I find it very versatile as well as good-looking and it was a bargain at $16 (marked $26, but I had a $10 coupon).
Cinder chewed up another shoe yesterday. He's three and a half years old -- I guess he's never going to settle down. Oreo has mellowed into a very manageable sweet pet (except she bolts out the front door every chance she gets and runs like the wind).
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