Frenzied, frantic, and fearful I am obsessively compelled to follow the news, watching Lawrence O’Donnell, following Robert Reich, Joyce Vance, and Heather Cox Richardson, reading foreign news sources, and fueling my despair. I feel shame that this is the world I’ll be leaving to my children, grandchildren and all the young of the planet. I am utterly confounded by the mentality and motivation that propel people to support our current national leaders. Wheelchair and housebound, I can’t take to the streets, but I do select organizations to support and with my limited means and mobility do what I can do speak out for measures and people that give me a glimmer of hope. I donate to the ACLU, participate in phone calls, emails, and write postcards with Indivisible and Card Campaign. I generate scripts of messages to influencers and provide addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, as well as stamps and blank postcards to people at several churches in my community. This is a shot in the dark, or more aptly, a scream in the wilderness, but I dedicate hours every week trying; I am so small, and the problem is so large. But I must feel like I’m doing something even if nothing comes of it. I get no feeling of satisfaction, feeling like I’m bailing with a thimble, while the deluge rages on our ship of state.
The wrecking ball has hit USAID, NIH, the Treasury Department's payment system, the US Attorney in the Southern District of NY (she resigned-a Federalist and a Republican - rather than accept Trump's offer to keep her job so long as she dismissed charges against Eric Adams the corrupt NY city mayor charged with all kinds of corruption). The eminently unqualified anti-vaxxer Robert Kennedy Jr has been confirmed as Secretary of HHS. Hegseth and Vance are in Europe alienating nations who have always been our firm allies. The coup continues.
But then there is this glorious victory: What you see here is my paper shredder, plugged into the wall with the green light on - proof that I was able to replace the broken plug - a prong had broken off in the wall, and that it is again in working condition, despite weak eyes, shaky hands, and no workspace. I feel very powerful as is the paper shredder once again.
Another lovely thing happened today. A resident at Atria came up to me today and said she had some money she planned to give away and she had distributed all of it except $50. She handed me the fifty and said you are active in so many things, I want you to decide what to do with this. So, while she was still standing there, I texted a friend who plans to be involved in feeding the homeless of Davis for the next week. I knew she was short of enough money to provide meals for the full week, so I gave her the $50.
And in further lovely things, I was able to broker the transfer of a bunch of older electronic equipment, an old desktop MAC computer, a couple of notepads, some old digital cameras, and camcorders, from a friend who collects and then sells or gives them away to another friend who frequently travels to Tanzania to work with an orphanage. She provides the kids with equipment and teaches them how to use it. Made three of us very happy and still to come are happy children in Tanzania.