Danny went car shopping the other day when his mom Colleen and brother Robby came to town. He tried on the Smart Car, but it was too small.
Kevin and Rachel came down from Kansas City that same weekend to celebrate the 49th birthday of Kevin and his twin, Colleen. We gorged on a meal of childhood favorite foods: flank steak marinated in teriyaki, rosemary garlic roasted potatoes, green beans lyonnaise, homemade German's Sweet Chocolate cake, homemade carrot cake and of course, clam dip. The requisite birthday song was sung complete with "Many more to you, Woooappy birthday dear. . ."
Danny is a great cook and has spent a lot of time working in restaurants -- Italian is his specialty. Here he and his mom are putting together a wonderful meal of eggplant parmigiana, spaghetti with browned butter and some kind of cheese, buttery, cheesy, garlicky breadsticks, and a tossed green salad. It smelled yummy and tasted even better (and it used every pot and pan in the kitchen!).
Robby is on his way home, probably a little the worse for the sleepless nights hanging out with his cousins. Saying goodbye was hard to do, he's a great kid.
And here they go, off to the Kansas City airport in Danny's new Mitsubishi Endeavor (it was just the right size for him). They were fortunate to get away in the slight lull between this week's record-breaking snow storms. I hated to see them go, but was grateful for their safe travels. I hope they hurry back.