I don't know why this quilt is named
Anna Farfalla. While sewing, I try to get the quilt to tell me its name. Farfalla (Italian for butterfly) is obvious, but I don't know where Anna came from -- it just happened. She will be finished as soon as I affix a label. Now I need to give quilting a rest for a bit and clean my messy house! But first, I need to go get a pedicure -- can't possibly clean house with dull toes.
Snow is forecast for the weekend, I hope they are wrong because we plan to go to the Kansas City area. Ben rides the bus to Blue Springs on Friday where he'll spend the night in a hotel and play the next day at a Winter Drum Line Festival. Logan and I will drive up on Saturday to take in the performance, pick up Ben, spend the rest of the weekend with Kevin and Rachel, and celebrate Kevin (and Colleen's) 46th birthdays. So, no snow, please.
Yesterday, I went to the eye doctor for a check up on my eye that was treated with an injection of a chemo drug last May. At that time, there was macular bleeding from myopic macular degeneration (it's a little different than age-related macular degeneration). Last May I was legally blind in that eye. Today, although a blind spot remains, I can read the smallest print on the wall chart and the hand held card. Even the doc is a bit amazed.