Incidentally -- the deal with lentils in my family is that they represent coins or money and you are supposed to have them for New Years to insure a prosperous year. I've adopted a house rule that allows me till the end of January to consume them. I hope I'm not too late!
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Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Queen and Her Court
Incidentally -- the deal with lentils in my family is that they represent coins or money and you are supposed to have them for New Years to insure a prosperous year. I've adopted a house rule that allows me till the end of January to consume them. I hope I'm not too late!
family history,
Missouri life

Saturday, January 30, 2010
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Brrrrrrrrrs
Missouri life,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Yesterday was root canal #2. It went fine, we'll see how the recovery goes later in the week. I'm keeping plenty of Vicodin handy, just in case I need it, because we may be snowed in later this week -- possibly one or two days of school closure. More time to quilt!
Missouri life,

Saturday, January 23, 2010
A Day Late
BTW, this is my 200th post!
Missouri life

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Happy Birthday, Tom

- His bond with his dog, Frank, who slept across the threshhold of his bedroom door, guarding him.
- His love of trees and climbing. He cried when the tree in his front yard had to be cut down. He agreed to the move to El Dorado Hills on the condition he could have a tree house.
- Legos, Legos, Legos and trains, trains, trains!
- His early drawings of buildings -- skyscrapers with lots of windows and stairs.
- The way he ran with his arm held out, slighty behind him, bent at the elbow, as though it was propelling him.
- Years of ski trips
- Being elected school president for his track the first year in El Dorado Hills
- Getting "The Right Stuff" award at Space Camp
- Traveling to England and France with me when he was 14
- His fascination with government in high school
- Our road trip to Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Mt. Rushmore, and the Badlands.
- Smashing the head light of my convertible while "joyriding" in the driveway!
- Moving away from home to go to school at South Lake Tahoe
- Becoming a father with the birth of Mallaika
- Graduating from UMass
- Becoming a real grown up -- establishing a life, home, and family with Nichole and Mallaika
family history,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Prints Charming
I'm trying to recover from Monday's root canal, but it isn't going too well. Hurts more each day. Tomorrow I'll go back to the endodontist. This does not bode well for the two to follow. The procedure was only minimally uncomfortable, but I'm not liking the way I feel tonight.
Countdown to Logan's birthday (Friday the 22nd) is under way. I'm getting him a new computer -- on the whole, I'd rather have a root canal than brave Best Buy. Tomorrow is grandson Tom's birthday. Ahhh, those Aquarians!

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Farm in Winter
Lettuce, spinach, and arugula thrive under these conditions and produce tender greens. Last week's spinach was the best I have ever tasted -- I don't know if it was the growing conditions, or the variety of spinach, but it was yummy just eaten raw and plain.
Logan and Curtis are mixing potting soil which will be formed into little mounds for starting seeds. I had the job of planting the seeds. Some of them are very small and difficult for these clumsy hands to pick up -- only one seed to each little mound as germination rates are excellent and it is nuisance to have to thin them. I started lettuce, chard, and some flowers which are used to attract ladybugs. Logan built a raised bed, filled it with soil and planted garlic, chard, and some mystery green stuff. Fellow CSA member, Nicole Harrell worked with us today, but I didn't get a good picture of her forming the planting mounds with a special tool. It's hard work!
Ben wasn't with us today -- he was at an all day practice session for his winter drum line.
Missouri life

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Pog O'Nip
Missouri life,

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Cover Girl
It hasn't been above freezing for days and they forecast a couple more days like that. It's 7 degrees right now with a wind chill of -2. It really confuses Oreo, who repeatedly asks to go outside and then turns right around and comes back in as if to say, "What was I thinking?" The cold has made Ben's nose bleed -- it's just too cold to breathe. The schools have been closed for two days and the roads are still covered with blowing snow. There's not much of it, a couple of inches, but it keeps moving around.

Monday, January 4, 2010
You Can Judge a House by Its Driveway
Missouri life,
Thinking out blog,

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Ahhhh, Snow
Perfect snow, falling in big lazy flakes. The kind that makes me sit at the window and sigh as I watch it fall. The kind that makes Logan put on three layers of clothing so he and Cameron can go sledding and makes Ben pull the covers over his head. The kind that makes Oreo run back into the house very fast and Cinder run in circles biting at it. The kind that compels my control-freak neighbors from Alabama (on the snow-free gulf) to shovel their drive and walkway at dawn's first light, then watch the plow come and heap it back at the foot of their driveway and run back out to shovel again, go eat breakfast, come back out to see another inch has fallen, and shovel again.

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